Featured Products

We’re as selective as you are about what to put in your home. We’ll use only the very best plumbing products and supplies for any job. This is where we’ll place some highlights of key products we recommend and use and – importantly – why we choose them.

We’re as selective as you are about what to put in your home. We’ll use only the very best plumbing products and supplies for any job. This is where we’ll place some highlights of key products we recommend and use and – importantly – why we choose them.

Flo by Moen

Protect Your Home from Water Damage & Leaks

Meet Flo by Moen, the all-in-one security system for your home water.

The best way to avoid water damage is to prevent it.

Backed by years of product development and industry leading technology, the smart water valve detects and stops leaks. From your toilet, shower or faucet, to the pipes in your foundation and behind your walls, the smart water valve monitors all of them so there’s no surprises on your water bill or catastrophes when you come home from vacation.

Why do we recommend and use it?

It works, and the quality is unmatched.

Request a consultation and estimate.

15 + 10 =

We are a one-stop shop!

You don’t want just anyone monkeying around with your plumbing. When you want the very best, GoPro.

Call Us Anytime: 902-580-4400

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